Article 30 The import business operators shall present its certificate of tariff quotas issued by the administrative departments of import tariff quotas to the customs offices for handling the formalities of customs declaration and examination of the goods within the tariff quotas. 第三十条进口经营者凭进口配额管理部门发放的关税配额证明,向海关办理关税配额内货物的报关验放手续。
As a result, it must be imported using the import declaration element whose schemaLocation attribute specifies the location of the file that contains the schema. 因此必须使用import声明元素引入,该元素的schemaLocation属性指明包含模式的文件位置。
To create a widget, you must import the widget declaration by adding the lines from Listing 3. 为了创建一个小部件,必须通过添加清单3所示的代码行来导入这个小部件声明。
In order to access the elements of the core schema, its location has to be provided in a XSD import declaration. 为了访问core方案的元素,XSD导入声明提供了它的位置。
This import declaration refers to the namespace of the database domain and the location of the database domain schema file. 该导入声明引用了数据库域名的名字域以及数据库域方案文件的位置。
In the latter case, you must import the domain specification ( namespace declaration and XSD import declaration with the schema location) so that the XSD parser can resolve the referred elements. 在后面一种情况下,您必须导入域规格(名字域声明与XSD导入声明),所以XSD分析器就可以解决引用的元素了。
In addition, the type of the attribute "Port" is taken from the domain operating system ( os), which requires the additional namespace "os" and the XSD import declaration. 另外,属性“Port”的类型来自域操作系统(OS),它需要更多的名字域“os”以及XSD导入声明。
The consignee for import goods and the consignor for export goods shall make an accurate declaration and submit the import or export license and relevant papers to the Customs for examination. 进口货物的收货人、出口货物的发货人应当向海关如实申报,交验进出口许可证和有关单证。
The occasional imports, but don't worry, have the price of the import declaration has more advantages transportation agency service company? 偶尔有进口货,但不急,有没有价格更有优势的进口报关运输代理服务公司?
Of a general trade import and export goods declaration; B. 属于一般贸易进出口货物的报关;B。
Import declaration can provide professional logistics service etc*'s Center by the operator, Customer service centers, accounts centers, distribution centers and support centers of five parts. 可提供专业报关进口等各类物流业务。公司由操作中心、客户服务中心、账务中心、配送中心及支持中心共五个部分组成。
Import agent service quality is differ, strengths, not all imports of goods can do well and we sheng tong international in "second-hand machinery" import declaration has very strong advantage. 进口代理服务商素质不一,各有所长,并非所有货物进口都能做得好,我司海邦国际在“二手机械”进口报关方面具有非常强的优势。
Where the consignee of import goods fails to declare with the Customs within the time limit mentioned above, a fee for delayed declaration shall be charged by the customs. 进口货物的收货人超过前款规定期限未向海关申报的,由海关征收滞报金。
The trade controls branch of the customs and Excise Department is responsible for enforcing various trade control systems, including the certification of origin system, the textiles import and export control system, the strategic commodities control system and the import and export declaration system. 香港海关贸易管制处负责执行各项贸易管制制度,包括签发产地来源证、纺织品进出口管制、战略物品管制及进出口报关等制度。
Assisting Party B to process import customs declaration for the machinery and equipment contributed by Party B as investment and arranging the transportation within the Chinese territory; 18.&协助办理乙方作为出资而提供的机械设备的进口报关手续和在中国境内的运输;
Having the error rate of import and export declaration under its agency at10% or above during the previous year; 上一年度代理申报的进出口报关差错率在10%以上的;
"A lot a license" means that the same the Automatic Import License must not be used for customs declaration for different lots of goods. “一批一证”指:同一份《自动进口许可证》不得分批次累计报关使用。
The process to handle export and import with the international customs is the customs declaration. 向海关申报出口与进口的业务流程就是报关。
The Acting import and export goods declaration, transfer, the report found, imported feed issued, serving Inspection operations; And the import and export business advisory services. 代理进出口货物的报关、转关、报验、报检、服检业务;以及进出口业务咨询服务等。
One carry over import customs declaration shall correspond to one archival export carry over checklist. 一份结转进口报关单对应一份结转出口备案清单。
Copy of import license and customs declaration for the same product ( s) in the last transaction. 上批同类产品进口许可证、报关单复印件,并退回因故未进口的许可证文件。
The consignor and consignee of export and import goods and the agent declaration enterprises shall be registered at the customs in advance for going through customs declaration procedures. 向海关办理申报手续的进出口货物的收发货人、受委托的报关企业应当预先在海关依法办理登记注册。
Enterprises shall handle the procedures of verification of import payments in foreign exchange with administration of foreign exchange upon the documents including verification statement of import payments in foreign exchange, the foreign exchange collection vouchers and the foreign-related revenue declaration documents of international revenue and expenditure. 企业凭进口付汇到货核销表、收汇凭证以及国际收支涉外收入申报单等相关单证到外汇局办理贸易进口付汇核销手续。
Except for those import forex payment declaration data which are not concluded and will still be processed in the old system, new businesses must be processed in the new system. 即从10月8日起,旧系统不再受理新的进口报关单电子底帐核查业务,除尚未结案进口付汇报关数据仍在老系统内处理外,新业务必须在新系统中办理。
The validity period of the license certificate of export and import goods declared in advance shall be counted according to the date of the customs acceptance of the declaration. 验核提前申报的进出口货物许可证件有效期以海关接受申报之日为准。
Import declaration, the preferred tiger bridge! 进口报关,首选虎桥!
The consignor of import goods and the agent declaration enterprises shall declare to the customs after the goods arrive at the custody area of the customs but24 hours before loading. 出口货物发货人、受委托的报关企业应当在货物运抵海关监管区后、装货的二十四小时以前向海关申报。
Our main business in Shanghai: air, sea import and export, sea and air transport, customs declaration, and integrated logistics services. 我们在上海主要经营范围:空运、海运进出口、海空联运、海关报关、及综合物流服务等等。
Standardize the import behavior, make strict the customs declaration procedures, restrict the small amount import and unify the import market; 规范进口行为,严格海关申报程序,限制小批量进口,统一进口市场;
A policy of import country manifest inspects checking; The customs clearing for imported materials and equipment should be a link not to be ignored and to entrust a clearing agent with declaration is an international practice. 实行进口国报关单查验制度,以有效防范出口骗税行为的发生;而进口设备物资清关是一个不容忽视的环节,委托清关公司代理报关是国际工程惯例。